Friday, June 06, 2008

When the Levee Breaks

First, a refresher--

Then go here, and read the whole thing. I don't have much going on today, so I can wait for you ...

... dum da de da dum, or you're back!

I was in Gulf Coast Mississippi in June of the following year, where we (my wife, sister-in-law, and her husband) worked out of a Methodist church in Moss Point, Mississippi. In our one week there, we were able to get a family, whose home had only suffered flooding from the storm surge, close to being able to move back into their home. We replaced the lower half of the interior walls of their house with new drywall, killed the black mold that had grown in the space between the drywall and outside wall, and replaced the wall sockets that had been damaged by the salt water from the storm surge (the house, by the way, was about a half a mile from the Gulf--so that gives you an idea of the strength of the storm surge).

The point being, even without politicizing the Federal response to Katrina, the hacktastic Bush Administration's response was woefully inadequate; when they went looking for scapegoats to blame their failures on, it cost the lives of hundreds of people.

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